Take Notice

After taking a look at the examples it begins to become clear that there are some serious issues with sensationalism in the news and the programs that we watch. In a media market so dominated by competition and the theme that blood sells, it makes sense that a broadcaster would do whatever it takes to attract a larger audience. Yet do we really want to condone such behaviour? The news is meant to inform the public, keep them aware of what is going on and provide trustworthy analysis of the world around us. Now with the advent of agenda setting and only showing certain parts of what is going on, sensationalism is being used as a tool to accomplish the media's objective in ensuring what they show is what the public thinks about. Humans by nature are lured to sensationalized news, or the person who yells the loudest. Therefore we need to resist and rebuke sensationalized news by banding together and seeking out broadcasters that present the news as it is, without the catchy headlines, computer effects, or the unverified facts. If we as a society want to truly understand and know about our communities and those that lie beyond them, then we must realize that sensationalism belongs in the movies and not on our televisions.