The major media outlets are nothing more than corporations. What the media sells is violence, celebrities, sex, scandal, politics and more. Then wrap it all up into their daily news broadcasts. Sensationalism is the act of choosing certain stories with more shock value and making it so these stories contain a more explosive effect. This is accomplished through large, eye catching and witty titles, unverified facts and concentrating on the most drastic details however insignificant they may be. Through the competitive nature of the news networks, it stands to reason that they have no qualms with making news stories sound more alluring then they really are. A mudslide in Mexico versus a hurricane that will only bring rain to Florida? Rwandan Genocide or Clinton Scandal? The corporate media uses the act of sensationalism, or blowing up the facts of one story and playing them down in another, to fulfill their agenda setting program. So, in order to tell us what to think about, corporate media sensationalizes stories of little actual importance and significance to cover up stories that we as the public should actually be caring about.