
Everyone loves a great special effects movie by the great directors such as Micheal Bay or George Lucas. They contain explosions, car chases, gun fights, sex and big stars. These movies make money by being incredible, loud, intense and sensational. Yet everyone knows that these movies do not reflect reality. There is no MI6 agent that goes through as much as James Bond does on a regular basis. As far as anyone knows, the President of the United States has never had to fight off terrorists aboard Air Force one as Harrison Ford did. Yet even when we know this and can acknowledge it, why is it that we are blind to the sensationalized elements of our daily news? The news is something that is supposed to directly reflect the world we live in, yet in many cases this is not the case. It is my intention to hopefully aid your ability to analyze and see beyond the hood of sensationalism that has been pulled over the eyes of the general population.